The Great Call of God Ministries

The Great Call of God Ministries

The Great Call of God Ministries

The Great Call of God Ministries
A Good Work Started by God
The Great Call of God Ministries (TGCG) is a Non-Religious & Non-Denominational SPIRITUAL MINISTRY that is started by God, to preach His truth to all nations. TGCG reaches people worldwide through free Bible devotions and it's sole purpose is to mature believers worldwide in the use of their faith, to overcome life’s obstacles by the power of Holy Spirit and live in victory by following the teachings of Jesus Christ, found in the Bible.
The Great Commission: Jesus said, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:18-20)
This “Great Commission” is for you, me and for each disciple of Jesus Christ in every part of the world and "The Great Call of God" is for every individual who wants to be a disciple and make disciples for Jesus Christ. God Bless You.

TGCG Bible devotions seeks to lead lives into a personal relationship with Christ, by knowing the TRUTH & putting them into practise. These devotions are received from God & purely based on the Bible scriptures. TGCG does not promote the teachings of any religion or denomination, but is used and led by God to preach His uncompromising word. All glory to God alone for what HE is doing in and through these Devotions and what God has in store for the years ahead. God bless you, yours and all that you do righteously.

TGCG evangelism is all about Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, who is the only way to God. TGCG proclaims this message to any audience of believers and non-believers and it is done with earnest prayers and faith that God's children respond by trusting, repenting, obeying and following Jesus Christ. TGCG believes that God loves everyone alike, irrespective of their caste, skin color, creed, gender, religion or denomination & also does not receive offerings, donations or tithes, but freely gives the good news & services as freely received from God.